Ecoland can be used directly to the soil before or during cultivation or in liquid form for which we will take 1 liter of warm water for every 100 gr of Ecoland leaving to rest for 24 to 48 hours and then add 4 liters of water
INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE: Apply 200 G per m2 in every 4 or 6 months or also every three crops (depending on the type of crop and soil conditions)
POTS: 20 gr (1 tablespoon) in one liter of water, every 2 months for pots of approximately 5ltrs of substrate
GARDENS AND ORCHARDS: From 30 to 100 gr per m2 dissolved in the irrigation water preferably (every two or three months and at the beginning of spring and autumn). or 200g per m2 before planting every 6 months.
In agriculture The recommended doses will be given by the needs of Phosphorus (P), being the largest guano, the crop in question. It can be used in both acidic and basic soils. Its use is recommended in the phase of crop growth and flowering
CESPED: 1 Kg every 10m2, (we recommend dissolving in water) is applied directly or mixed in the soil.
CANNABIS: We recommend at the beginning of the crop 100gr per pot (30L) or around the plant and 100gr before flowering.
DRY CROPS: At a rate of 1000 - 2000 kg per ha. At the beginning of the crop or in the previous work.
HYDROPONIC CROPS OF ALL TYPES: Specially indicated for hydroponic recirculation crops where we will apply depending on the usual fertilization taking into account the phosphorus needs of the crop. Very suitable for growing lettuce in all its varieties because of its calcium content. As a general rule, we will apply 5 to 10 grams per liter. In this method of cultivation we are continuously conducting field and laboratory tests so it is advisable to consult on the latest tests For hydroponics in rock wool and others apply in irrigation every 2 weeks at 5-10 gr per liter acting 15 days before flowering .
For other crops consult.